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Fossils of the North Sulphur River and it's tributaries.
All of the fossils in my collection have been found in the North Sulphur River in North Texas.

North Sulphur River Sharks Teeth

The Whole Pile of Teeth
The majortiy of these are sharks teeth but there is a few that are teeth from other types of fish. Most of them are broken to some degree but there is a few that are near perfect.
Sharks Teeth
These teeth are missing the root portion at the top.
The Few and The Proud!
These are the few but the proud near perfect sharks teeth in my collection.
Mosasaur Nose Section
This is the very end of the nose of a Mosasaur. You can see the sockets for the teeth and there is even a partial tooth in the socket closest to the end of the nose.
Mosasaur Jaw Section
This is a section of a Mosasaur jaw bone with a tooth still in it.
Mosasaur Vertebrae
Large Vertebrae
This is a pretty worn and banged up vertebrae I found back in '99'. I'm not even sure of what kind of creature it's from.
Another vertebrae I found a couple of years ago.
Miscellaneous Fossils
These are some miscellaneous fossils and a plain ol' rock that had a whole in it and a round rock stuck in it. I thought it was kinda neat so I kept it. Starting from the 12:00 position and going clockwise, rock, fish vertebrae, coprolite, tooth enamel (probably from a Mastedon tooth), Mosasaur tooth and in the center is a very small piece of Mosasaur jaw with teeth. The large black Mosasaur tooth has had the tip severly worn down till it's very blunt. They are normally sharp.
Miscellaneous teeth
Yes, it's more coprolite!
Coprolite (fossilized fecies)
Coprolite is fossilized fecies. I prefer the term, Dino Doody.
This is a piece of fish jawbone. You can see the teeth in the side.